Poznati britanski fotograf Tim Flach dve godine proveo je snimajući staništa ugroženih životinja.
Rezultat njegovog rada je redak uvid u živote ugroženih vrsta, koji je ujedno i dobar podsetnik na sve ono što možemo da izgubimo i možda već ove godine.
Na slikama su poznate vrste poput polarnog medveda ili snežnog leoparda, ali i egzotična stvorenja kojih je svakim danom sve manje.
Neke vrste su na putu izumiranja zbog uništavanja staništa, druge su ubile lovokradice zbog prodaje na crnom tržištu, dok se neke bore sa još strašnijim iskušenjima.
One of the rarest primates in the world, the curious and sociable pied tamarin is on the brink of extinction https://t.co/BI3M6pybro pic.twitter.com/Pf8GKotbBV
— New Scientist (@newscientist) November 2, 2017
Common Hippopotamus | #IUCNRedList: Vulnerable | Eradicating the ivory trade will be a tall challenge. Hippo teeth are highly sought after but until the law is enforced on the ground, Hippo fortunes will continue to founder. #Conservation #Environment #Endangered pic.twitter.com/5G5yvAgcc7
— Tim Flach (@TimFlach) November 30, 2017
The Shoebill is a large stork like bird that spends its time foraging for fish in East African swampland. As a result of habitat distraction this magnificent bird is considered Vulnerable on the #IUCNRedList #Shoebill #WildlifeConservation #SaveWildlife pic.twitter.com/w4cywZc3sT
— Tim Flach (@TimFlach) December 5, 2017
#SnowLeopard is one of the most endangered big cats, its mountain territories shrinking due to farming & climate change with an average of 4 killed every week since 08. Around 4 to 7,000 remain in the wild – #IUCNRedList: Endangered #InternationalMountainDay #MountainDay @IUCN pic.twitter.com/LWdLCfGktw
— Tim Flach (@TimFlach) December 11, 2017
The Saiga Antelope is relatively unknown and would look right at home in the #Cantina from @starwars! They are in fact found on the Eurasian Steppe and sadly listed as Critically Endangered on the @IUCNRedList #TheLastJedi #WildlifeConservation @SaigaCA #WednesdayWisdom pic.twitter.com/ITY7GZ4mll
— Tim Flach (@TimFlach) December 13, 2017
The Blue Throated Macaw is on the brink, with around 250 mature pairs left in the wild. But, pet trade exports are largely eradicated and local land owners are supporting initiatives to encourage the birds to thrive again@IUCNRedList Status: Critically Endangered @BirdLife_News pic.twitter.com/uuIK8iEs5V
— Tim Flach (@TimFlach) December 21, 2017
The Crowned Sifaka #IUCNRedList: Endangered. These animals have an exuberantly sideways pogo with arms flung high for balance.
Unfortunately their homes in the tall Madagascan trees are being destroyed and they only survive in micro pockets. #stopextinction @IUCNRedList pic.twitter.com/jRkhxUM2RH— Tim Flach (@TimFlach) December 29, 2017