Devojčica iz Love Actually je porasla

Ko bi rekao da je prošlo 15 godina od filma Love Actually. I isto toliko od kada se Olivia Olson pojavila kao slatka devojčica u koju se zaljubljuje mali plavušan.

E pa Olivia je porasla, odnosno sada ima 24 godine.

“Ne mogu da verujem da ljudi još pričaju o tome i da ih zanima. To je neverovatno. 15 godina je dugo vremena”, ispričala je.

Nakon uloge u filmu dala je glas u nekoliko crtanih a onda se posvetila muzici. Evo je:



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Sitting outside my polling place, gathering my thoughts and minding my own business – a group of voters started to circle around the planter I was sitting on debating and just flat out disrespecting one an other. So many people glom onto the politics of just being right rather than the issues at hand. Honestly, it was really discouraging. So much negative energy, hating the other side and righting people off based on their views. I watched as the argument got more and more heated. It was gross and I almost walked away at that point. Because it doesn’t seem like things are ever going to change. But instead, #ivoted BE THE CHANGE you wish to see in the world. I didn’t have a full understanding of every single thing on the ballot but I know I voted with my best intentions in mind, peace and love. ✌🏽💙🇺🇸❤️

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“Look like you like each other” 👯‍♀️🖤

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Blood Moon Music Jam 🌕🌚✨

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👌🏽 feelin’ it 🍺 @surferjackprods

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