Kako da izgubiš 100.000 pratilaca na Instagramu za 3 dana

Cara Delevigne je uspela da toliko iznervira neke ljude da je zbog jednog statusa ostala bez 100.000 fanova.

Sve je počelo pošto je objavila svoje mišljenje o reperu R Kellyju, koji je u dokumentacu optužen da je seksualni predator.

Onda je napisala kako Kellyja smatra “predatorom gorim od Harveya Weinsteina”.

Ubrzo je shvatila da je više ne prati 100.00 ljudi.

“Očigledno se ti ljudi ne slažu sa onim što sam rekla. To su ljudi koji podržavaju nazadne, a ne napredne ideje. Uvek su me učili da izbegavam sukobe po svaku cenu zbog čega celog života ćutim. Ne više! Zbogom tišini i nazadnim pratiteljima, pozdrav sukobima i naprednim misliocima”, napisala je kasnije.


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This is me realizing I lost more than 50,000 followers yesterday after posting about @rkelly Every time I say something real, something I truly believe, something others may think of as controversial, something that makes people think and ask questions, I lose followers. The followers I lose clearly don’t agree with what I have to say, people that support the ideas and actions of others who are moving backwards and not forwards. In 2019, I want to be more confrontational. Confrontation IS NOT VIOLENCE btw, it’s communication. Something I still struggle with. I have always been taught to avoid confrontation at all costs, which caused me to be silent most of my life, silence causes suppression and suppression causes sickness. Not anymore! Goodbye silence and backwards followers, hello confrontation and forward thinkers. It’s going to be a loud year xxx #MuteRKelly

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