U poslednje vreme kao da je sve teže doći do kupaca i klijenata. Internet je naravno i dalje tu, ali advertisting je skup, organski reach na društvenim mrežama je sveden na minimum, virali skoro da ne postoje, SEO optimizacija je postala nesigurna, a content marketing sve komplikovaniji.
Ali, jedna alatka je i dalje tu a često je zanemarerna iako sasvim nepravedno. Mislimo na Email marketing koji je doživeo dramatične promene poslednjih godina. Mnogi će i dalje kada čuju “email marketing” pomisliti “spam”, ali to je zato što razmišljaju pogrešno. Ukoliko se strategija komunikacija sa klijentima i kupcima postavi ispravno, svi će imati koristi. Potrošači će dobiti korisne informacije koje će ceniti, a vi ćete pridobiti njihovo poverenje i uspostaviti još jedan kanal za komunikaciju. Koji može da bude i mnogo povoljniji od drugih advertisting alata.
Ipak, i pored mnogo podataka, lako dostupnih statistika o efikasnosti određenih tipova poruka i praksi, mnogi i dalje koriste email taktike koje više jednostavno ne donose benefite.
Evo ih 5 stvari koje ne trebalo da koristite u vašim mailovima:
Neuspešna taktika 1: Provokativni naslovi poruka (subject)
Provokativni naslovi poruka (subject) podsećaju na vesti iz tabloida. Vrlo često će dovesti do razočaranja, pošto se u poruci neće naći to što ste implicirali u subjectu. Ta taktika je loša pošto je poverenje ključno kod postavljanja odnosa koji želite uz pomoć email marketnga.
Clickbait naslovi definitivno nisu put ka poverenju. Recimo: “Nećete verovati šta piše u ovoj poruci.”
Pretplatnici, koji su se prijavili da primaju vaše poruke će radije videti realističan naslov koji opisuje poruku, kako bi sami mogli da odluče da li žele da ga otvore i pročitaju.
Dobra taktika: Koristite autentične i iskrene naslove poruka.
Neuspešna taktika 2: Masovno slanje istog maila
Masovno slanje istog maila može da se pokaže kao loša taktika. Recimo ako svima poručite da je vreme užasno, a neki od vaših pretplatnika živi u gradu gde i nije baš tako užasno, poprilično ste promašili poentu.
Slanje iste poruke svima je loše, baš kao i sve prakse koje će mailove učiniti bezličnim.
Zato je važno da segmentirate lokacije, kako ne biste slali irelevantne poruke.
Naravno, targetovani mailovi stvaraju veći povrat u odnosu na tradicionalne masovne poruke.
Dobra taktika: segmentirajte poruke, kako bi content bio relevantan.
Neuspešna taktika 3: Paradoks izbora
Već smo pisali o Paradoksu izbora. Njega je otkrio poznati psiholog Barry Schwartz, koji je 2004. ukazao da previše izbora nije uvek dobro.
Tako je i kod slanja mailova. Ukoliko u poruci postoji samo jedan CTA (click to action) čitaoci će tačno znati šta je potrebno da rade, što može da dovede do povećane prodaje.
Ukoliko im ponudite previše izbora, povećavate i šansu da na kraju ne urade – ništa.
Dobra taktika: Dajte kupcima samo jedan izbor.
Neuspešna taktika 4: Zapovedni način
Probajte da izbegnete zapovedni način govora.
Da, naravno da želite da ljudi kliknu, posete ili skinu vaš sadržaj. Ali problem je što niko ne voli da mu se naređuje.
Zato CTA predstavite kao priliku, ističući prednosti. Recimo: “Započni učenje”, “Saznaj više o…”
Dobra taktika: Istaknite prilike a ne naredbe.
Neuspešna taktika 5: Hyperlink
CTA bi trebaloda bude slika, a ne tekst sa linkom. Stvar je u tome da ljudi ne čitaju emailove kao što čitaju knjige. Email se često brzo skenira pogledom, pa ljudi prelaze tražeći nešto što će im privući pažnju i to obično dok telefoniraju ili rade nešto drugo istovremeno.
Dakle, CTA treba da bude taster koji će biti lak za uočavanje i dovoljno atraktivan da na njega neko klikne.
CTA taster može da poveća CTR za 28 posto u poređenju sa običnim tekstoma sa linkom.
Dobra taktika: Koristite slike za CTA.
Tekst je preuzet sa myemma.com.
5 unsuccessful email tactics
Or how to make your messages attractive
It looks like it is increasingly difficult to reach customers and customers these days. The Internet is of course still here, but the advertisting is expensive, the organic reach on social networks is dead, virals almost do not exist, SEO optimization has become uncertain, and content marketing has become increasingly complicated.
But one tool is still there and it is often unjustly negligible. We mean Email marketing that has experienced dramatic changes in recent years. Many will still hear “spam” when thinking about email marketing, but that’s because they’re thinking wrong. If the communication strategy with customers is set up correctly, everyone will benefit. Consumers will receive useful information that they will appreciate, and you will gain their trust and establish another channel for communication. Which can be much more affordable than other advertisting tools.
Nevertheless, despite many data, easily accessible statistics on the effectiveness of certain types of messages and practices, many still use email tactics that simply do not bring benefits.
Here are 5 things you should not use in your mail:
Unsuccessful tactic 1: Bait-and-switch subject lines
The provocative subject very often will lead to disappointment, as the message will not find what you implied in the subject. This tactic is bad because trust is crucial in setting the relationship you want with the help of email marketing.
Clickbait titles are definitely not a way to gane a trust.
Trust is key when building relationships with your email marketing. Clickbait subject lines definitely don’t facilitate that trust. Subscribers would much rather see a realistic hook about the email inside, so they can decide if they want to open it or not for themselves.
Good tactic: Use authentic and honest subject.
Unsuccessful tactic 2: Sending Batch-and-blast emails
Bulk sending of the same e-mail can appear as a bad tactic. For example, if you tell everyone that the weather is terrible, and some of your subscribers live in a city where it’s not so terrible, you’ve missed the point.
Sending the same message to everyone is bad, just like all practices that will make e-mails impersonal.
This is why segmenting for locations is so important, because you don’t want to blast subscribers with irrelevant messages. Not to mention, segmented and targeted emails generate significantly more revenue compared to traditional mass blast emails.
Good tactic: Segment your messages to make the content relevant.
Unsuccessful tactic 3: The choice paradox
We have already written about the choice paradox. (link to domino article about choice paradox – hope that is ok for you?). It was discovered by a well-known psychologist, Barry Schwartz, who pointed out that too much choice is not always good for one.
This is the case with sending e-mails. Studies show if recipients have too many choices, they’ll feel overwhelmed.
And narrowing down to just one CTA will show the reader exactly where to click, which can actually increase sales. (Your boss will thank you.)Good tactic: Give customers only one choice.
Good tactic: give your users one actionable CTA, not several.
Unsuccessful tactic 4: Friction words
The friction words are a big red flag.
Yes, you want people to visit or download, but telling viewers what to do is something they don’t really like. It’s better to make the CTA an opportunity, not a command—and make converting sound beneficial. For example: “Discover the shop,” or “Start learning.”
Good tactic: write CTAs that are opportunities, not commands.
Unsuccessful tactic 5: Hyperlink
The CTAs also need to be buttons instead of hyperlinks. The thing is, people don’t read emails like reading books. Emails are just scanned, often on a phone or at work, so click-throughs need to be obvious and easy to click or tap.
CTA buttons can increase click-through rates by 28% compared to traditional hyperlinks.
Good tactic: Use images for CTA.