Kako se rešiti neprijatnog mirisa patika

Mnogi ne izlaze iz patika čak ni preko leta. Kada kažemo MNOGI mislimo pre svih MLADI.

A preko leta, toplo vreme znači da će se oni znojiti, što može da dovede do neprijatnih mirisa.

Britanka Lynsey Crombie, koja na Instagramu objavljuje pod nadimkom Lynsey Queen of Clean, podelila je fotografiju na kojoj u patike stavlja – kesice čaja. To će navodno izvući sve neprijatne mirise.

“Ostavite kesice u obući preko noći na toplom i suvom mestu. Što duže, to bolje. Možete koristiti bilo koju vrstu čaja, čak i biljne. Kesice čaja odlično upijaju vlagu i mirise”, savetuje Lynsey.

Ako ne uspe, uvek možete da probate da sipate staru dobru sodu bikarbonu, što provereno pomaže.

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✨Cleaning Tip Tuesday✨ . An oldie but a goodie today especially as the weather is heating up and there is nothing worse than smelly shoes . Pop a few unused tea bags inside your smelly shoes to fight off bad odours that are caused by heat and bacteria . Leave to sit over night in a warm dry place. The longer you leave the better . Any tea bags will work even the minty herbal ones. Tea bags are super absorbent and will suck the moisturiser and smell right out . To save waste make sure you reuse the ones from your shoes for other household tasks. Tea bags actually have lots of uses from cleaning marks of windows and mirrors to fertilising your plants . . . . #cleaningtiptuesday #smellyshoes #cleaningtip #clean #cleaning #advice #motivation #queenofclean #bacteria #freshfeet #trainners #nike #teabags #trick #homehack #familylife #mumsproblems

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