Wonder Woman 2 se približava

Glumica Gal Gadot je uz prigodne fotografije ozvaničila kraj snimanja nastavka filma “Wonder Woman”.

“Uspeli smo. Ponovo. Iako je snimanje prvog filma bilo neverovatno, ovoga puta ono je bilo još posebnije. Snimali smo na četiri različite lokacije u tri zemlje. Veoma sam ponosna na gotovo 1.000 članova naše ekipe koji su na set dolazili svakog dana kako bi za film dali deo sebe”, napisala je Gadot na Instagramu.

Gadot se zahvalila i režiserki Patty Jenkins jer im je, kako kaže, “svima dala krila”.

Premijera filma je zakazana za leto 2020. godine. Evo 3 fotke:


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We did it. Again!! And as much as the first time shooting Wonder Woman was amazing, this time was even more unique and special.. We shot in 4 very different locations in 3 countries, and I’m so soooo proud of the almost 1000 crew members who came to set every day, giving everything they have into our movie. Couldn’t ask for better partners on this.. I’m so lucky to have the one and only Patty Jenkins, as my director. She always has our backs, she gives us the wings to dare, and everyday she helped us find the most creative version of ourselves .. I am so grateful to call her my friend. And to our AMAZINGly talented cast who made every day enjoyable and fun, thank you! Honestly.. Words cannot describe this experience.. This journey was so demanding and challenging but we all came and did our very best every take, every day, putting our all out there and I’m so proud… Thank you universe for this opportunity. I love this character. And thank you to all of you for being the best fans in the world. It was you that made me push myself every day. I’m so happy and excited, can’t wait to share it with you in 2020! ❤️ Gal

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